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ICKY by Steve Hussy
MSP BOOK #044 / 768 PAGES

Narcoleptic's Steve Hussy Steve Hussy Icky's Full Cover Back Narcoleptic Back Schizophrenic Womanoholic Icky's Reviews Download a PDF sample of Narcoleptic Icky Buy Back now on our Paypal Shop Return to MurderSlim.com

"Superchunder never died.
A year later, you could still see the colours of the vomit... The acid in the puke had eaten into the pavement."

[Steve Hussy, Icky]

Across two lives and five books, Icky explores a reality that too many are too scared to confront... death, drugs, gender, violence, work, mental illness, booze, sex and race. Out of all the horror is the power of humour and humanism to survive the 'icky' truth.

The fancy collection of Academic, Narcoleptic, Alcoholic, Schizophrenic and Womanoholic seriously explores every aspect of life with interweaving characters and topics.
It also has fart jokes.

The hardback MSP release is limited to 10 copies, and will be signed and personalised.

Initially Icky was made for its two writers, but why not share around a few more copies to deserving people?

An added bonus is the 768-page collection doubles up as a beautiful door-stop.
When I become a famous writer (cough) feel free to cash in on eBay.