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Murder Slim Press Updates: 2024

Murder Slim Press: Updates Robert McGowan's Books UV Ray's Books Seymour Shubin's Books Jeffrey Frye's Books Steve Hussy's Books Tommy Trantino's Books The Savage Kick Issues Richard Watts' Books Return to MurderSlim.com

Happy Birthday To Us... Murder Slim Press is 20 years old!, and we're getting even stronger than ever before.
Both u.v.ray and myself have broken into publishing elsewhere (Yellow King Press and Austin Macaulay) but the whole purpose is to get people involved in Murder Slim Press... which will always be our home.
We still have over 25 MSP releases that haven't sold out (yet) as well as some new titles winging their way out in 2024. Grab all of the limited edition Murder Slim Press books while you still can.

--- Here's a music video I made for CHUM's "Humanities" song. I edited it together with the brilliant and desolate film noir BLAST OF SILENCE, which is in my top 20 best movies of all time. See what you think... any feedback is appreciated. Meanwhile, you can find out more about about the superb CHUM here.

--- Outside of buying Murder Slim Press books (ahem... I hope you do that already), are you stuck for anything to read and/or buy for folks for Christmas? If so, check out the indispensable Murder Slim Press: Top Books list. As well each of our writers favourite books, there are an extra 150 brilliant books to check out. Some of the latest additions have been Jeffrey Bernard's stellar Low Life collections. Think of him as a posh British Bukowski; Bernard is a drunk, very funny, very insightful writer.

--- It's October 3rd and it's time to wish cartoonist Ivan Brunetti "Happy Birthday." Brunetti was in the lavish, glossy-papered SAVAGE KICK #5 with some rare cartoons and an extensive and exclusive interview. There is also a detailed and equally exclusive interview with Joe R. Lansdale in the same issue.

--- SCHIZOPHRENIC is now available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions. You can also buy the limited editon "Pink Cover" version through Paypal and the Murder Slim Press shop.

--- It's August the 4th, and it's Knut Hamsun's birthday today. I hate his politics but he did write one magnificent novel: HUNGER. Here's my review of the excellent 1960s' film adaption.

JULY 2024
--- It's the 18th of July, so here's my portrait of Hunter S. Thompson to celebrate his birthday. How he lived as long as he did is a miracle, and he even ended it himself too. Here's a link to MSP's review of FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS and GONZO.

JUNE 2024
--- Happy birthday to Jim Goad, one of the many stars of MSP's (long sold out) THE SAVAGE KICK#3 and (still available for a little longer) THE SAVAGE KICK: THE EARLY YEARS.

MAY 2024
--- Great interview with u.v.ray here. It's his first in ten years and well worth the wait as both Tony Black and u.v. dissect his extensive work.
--- Terrible to hear about Steve Albini dying. Just before a new Shellac album too. A genius engineer and musician, and the pioneer of the DIY ethic. I could have named countless Big Black/Shellac/Rapeman sounds in my top 20 songs. Here's one I should have listed on MSP's best music, alongside "The NewMan Generator." Here's SHOE SONG and the lyrics have an amplified meaning now: Listen to the masterpiece here.

APRIL 2024
--- John Fante would have been 115 years old (hey, there are still people alive at that ripe age!) on April 8th. Here's my review of the movie adaptation of WAIT UNTIL SPRING, BANDINI. I have the book rated as my number one on my favourites list and, while it isn't nearly as good, the movie is well worth checking out.
On the literary front, read my review of Fante's WEST OF ROME. It's a lesser known but brilliant book, that includes MY DOG STUPID (also recently made into a film, but not available commercially yet).

MARCH 2024
--- More 5 star reviews of ACADEMIC and WOMANOHOLIC on Amazon.co.uk... read them here and here. Please do try to leave reviews on Amazon. It enormously helps getting the good word out... and we'll be more inclined to bung in freebies with anything you buy via the Murder Slim Press shop too.

--- Although SCHIZOPHRENIC is still on MSP, its limited edition of 157 copies are selling out. SCHIZOPHRENIC will also be released in bookstores later this year. As a result, I've been fooling around with 3 new covers which you can check out here. Only one of them can win out! Feel free to email me to tell me which is your favourite.

--- I've just found out that Joe Matt died in September 2023. I'm stunned - such a loss to autobiographical comics at just 60 years old. When he found the energy to produce his work they were always great. He was in both Savage Kick #3 and Savage Kick #4, and the interview with him showed his frugal and funny side to the forefront. RIP Joe and check out his work and the SK interview here.

Copyright (2025) Murder Slim Press / e-mail: MurderSlimPress@aol.com