It's 2020, so get your perfect peepers in shape and read something! We're continuing to put out new stuff in print, and trying to prove that Kindle hasn't killed holding beautiful books in your hand. DECEMBER 2020
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--- I've been busy here finishing off all of my Icky books. In the spirit of Jaws, let's call them a Quintology now: NARCOLEPTIC, ACADEMIC, ALCOHOLIC, SCHIZOPHRENIC and WOMANOHOLIC. Just don't buy 'em yet... I need to give them (yet another) proof-check. I want them to be as perfect as I can make 'em.
--- Well, your favourite felon is officially out! Did the Free Frye Fund help? Ah - along with Jeff's book sales - maybe just a little. Here is - hopefully - Jeff's last blog from behind bars but they'll be plenty more to come on the Ex-Bank Robber's Blog and his ongoing Life of Riley series of books. You can buy the first of the Riley books here and if you don't love the cover you're a heartless monster who hates Churchill!
--- u.v.ray's KING OF SOUND AND BLUES is going to be made by me and various friends. So why not make some posters?! Whee! Here's the poster I prefer and here's the one for people who love brighter colours. Filming is going to be a blast... I've missed making movies. KING OF SOUND AND BLUES is going to be a great one.
--- My Icky/Pinky tetralogy is almost complete. There is only WOMANOHOLIC (which was previously JON) to go. The books are being sold through an agent, so it will be the only point you can get these rough (but kinda cute) copies.
--- u.v.ray is working on a screenplay for a film. We can pull it off... and in a good way. I know so many ex-students it's merely a case of piecing together the best ones. All we need is an Elvis. Here's the first page of the screenplay. It's gonna be a great one and I know my way around a camera...
--- Mister (Meester?) Jeffrey P. Frye is going through the process of getting compassionate release. Support him however you can. The guy is serving twenty years for robbing seven banks without a weapon. He didn't hurt anyone except for himself... that fact, as with Tommy Trantino, is why I hope he gets out.
--- Jeff has been in lockdown for a good while now due to Coronavirus, and cabin fever breaks out in his latest blog: "No Cheeseburgers, No Peace!!!" Ah, just read it and you'll know what I mean...
--- Murder Slim Music is on its way... so what better way to start with than Bob Log III giving me the greatest birthday present of my life. Thank-you LMA!
--- Everything in the MSP shop is still firmly for sale. I'm Corona free (internal alcohol rub) and I have a postbox 100 yards from my house. Check out the Murder Slim Press Shop if you need a lockdown bookfix. Email if you need to sort out orders of 5 or more books. I'll sort out discounts for you.
--- Yep, it's some COVID-19 stuff from Jeff. But he's like an alchemist - turning horror into writing gold. Read his latest blogs here in Coronavirus behind bars. As long as we aren't dead, we might as well laugh as much as can. But be well, everyone.
--- Jeff Frye gives up the "fat and skinny" of life without hygiene and toilets during lockdown. It's not for the weak of stomach but, hey, you read Murder Slim Press. You'll be fine. Read "Lords of the Rings" here.
--- Great review of BANK ROBBER STORIES by Wayne T. Dowdy. Wayne is a (now released) prison writer himself, and some of his time was spent in the same penitentiary as Jeffrey P. Frye. Wayne was also in SAVAGE KICK #8 and #9, so make sure to check out some of his own writing on his blog Straight From The Pen.
--- New Year, new Bank Robber's Blog as Jeffrey P. Frye goes through his 2020's Resolutions. Some cool - and interesting - choices...