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Murder Slim Press Updates: 2022

Murder Slim Press: Updates Robert McGowan's Books UV Ray's Books Seymour Shubin's Books Jeffrey Frye's Books Steve Hussy's Books Tommy Trantino's Books The Savage Kick Issues Richard Watts' Books Return to MurderSlim.com

Well, it's 2023, and I'm still here. So it is possible to play chess against death and win... Updates will be much faster from now on. It's sent a red hot poker up to my ass, but luckily not one held by some demon.

APRIL 2023
--- Breaking news... one more book left for me, and it's now called LUNATIC not NECROTIC... and I'll filter out the bitter - and sometimes very morbidly funny - truths for the novel.

It's 2022 and I've broken my right hand and Rightella is taking her sweet time to get better. Ah well... I will continue to post and sell all of our stuff on time with "Lucky Leftina." She's doing a great job.
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APRIL 2022
--- I can touch-type again after some treatment, so it's time to finish the last of my "Icky" books. It's called NECROTIC and should be out in June. The title gives away what it's about but, don't worry, it's laced with gallows' humour.

MARCH 2022
--- One of the joys of not being able to type (yet!) is that it's forced me to read and watch a bunch of other stuff. Here are some of the 10/10 highlights you need to check out: MIKEY and NICKY (a brilliant gangster movie with Peter Falk and John Cassevetes), SWEET TOOTH (excellent TV adaptation of Jeff Lemire's comic book series) and THIS IS NOT FAME (Doug Stanhope's great autobiography).

--- I've become - after watching and reading DEVIL ALL THE TIME - a big fan of Donald Ray Pollock's writing. Check out KNOCKEMSTIFF and you'll know what I mean...

--- Still healing the ol' right hand, but I can type well enough to keep going. I collected my ICKY books into a beautiful hardback 700+ page book. 2 are left if you want 'em. They are signed and come with freebies of other MSP goodies. Buy ICKY here... I've kept it exclusive to the Murder Slim Press shop.

Copyright (2025) Murder Slim Press / e-mail: murderslimpress@aol.com